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“Modern Gardens from Monet to Matisse” By Lydia Bauman

26 april 201836 second read

Wassenaar – Besides painting, Monet loved to cultivate his garden. Renoir, Pissarro, Morisot, Matisse and Kandinsky had theirs too, and were inspired by their gardens to create new experimental work.

This lecture will trace the parallel developments in the history of gardening and the history of Modern Art from the Impressionism in the late 19th c., to the near abstractions in the 20th century. Beside the paintings of Monet, will be works by Manet, Renoir, Cezanne, Van Gogh and Matisse.

Lectures are given in the Cultureel Centrum Warenar
Kerkstraat 75, 2242 HE Wassenaar
TUESDAY, 8 May 2018 at 20.00 hrs.
Entrance fee per lecture: €12,-for non-members
Students are half-price. No reservations are necessary
Doors open at 19.15; lectures begin at 20.00

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DFASLydia BaumanWassenaar
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