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Uitreiking Junior TTO-certificates Rijnlands Lyceum

19 juli 201945 second read

On Tuesday 16th July the Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar celebrated the Junior TTO Graduation. TTO is a bilingual English program taught in over 130 schools in The Netherlands and allows pupils to learn more than 50% of their subjects in Year 1-3 in VWO. The RLW TTO Section was founded in 1996 and is a pioneer TTO school.

The Junior TTO Certificate is awarded by NUFFIC and the RLW to all pupils who successfully complete Year 3TTO at the RLW.

The TTO teachers are very proud of not only our pupils’ excellent results and outstanding English, but also of their world awareness and global citizenship skills. A wonderful example of these last two skills were to be seen at the ceremony where their beautiful works of conceptual art were auctioned off for charities of their choice related to issues they had dealt with in Geography. The art auction raised over €1000,00 for these various charities.


Rijnlands LyceumTTOWassenaar
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