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Measures against spread of coronavirus

14 maart 20203 minute read

The Municipality of Wassenaar has taken additional measures within their civil service(s), to guarantee that her most important processes can continue operations in the event of the coronavirus spreading.

By following the national guidelines of the RIVM, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, we make sure that the services for our residents, entrepreneurs and institutes remain intact as much as possible.

Additional measures are aimed at limiting the risk of contamination, as well as spreading the risks. All civil servants will work from home as much as possible. House calls, especially to our most vulnerable groups, will be limited and where possible, handled by phone. All municipal events will be cancelled.

Mayor, Leendert de Lange: ‘Only together, we can limit the impact of the virus. That is why it is so important that everyone complies with the guidelines. This way, the coronavirus has the least chance of spreading. It has been good to see that many companies, social organizations, sports clubs and event organizers in Wassenaar, have adapted to this new reality. During these times, where we can’t actively meet, modern technology allows us to communicate with each other. Give your grandmother or grandfather an extra call or send someone who needs it a kind word.’

Municipal Counter opening hours
The Municipality will strive to continue its regular services and our customer service counters will remain open as usual.
Walk-ins between 10.00 and 12.00 at Civil Affairs and the WMO-counter will be cancelled.

The municipality will remain accessible both by phone and digitally. We request that you arrange business that can be handled digitally through our website, for instance; extracts of Civil Registry certificates or a change of address. In person meetings are by appointment only.

Neighbourhood meetings / Municipal meetings
All municipal meetings, such as neighbourhood meetings have been cancelled.

Public appearances college members
Until 31 March college members will not attend any public appearances.

No Committee meetings and Council meetings in March
The local political party Leaders of the City Council of Wassenaar (Presidium) have decided that the committee meetings on 16, 17 and 18 March as well as the council meeting on March 31, will be cancelled.

The subjects on the agenda of the different committees will be postponed until April. This decision was motivated by the developments around the coronavirus, which at this moment call for preventative measures to limit further spreading.

The local political party Leaders (Presidium) have felt it the right thing to do to cancel events that are not pressing and possibly attract a high volume of visitors.


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