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Get cigarette butts off the streets

29 juni 202254 second read

Will you join us to pick up cigarette butts and draw attention to this form of plastic pollution? The Plastic Peuken Collectief holds a large cigarette-butt cleanup campaign for the fourth year: #PlasticPeukMeuk2022. On 2 July 2022, people at around 80 locations in the Netherlands take to the streets to pick up cigarette ends. The Wassenaarse Bermbrigade is participating in the action. Join them and start clearing right now in your own neighborhood. Will you bring your yield to their collection point at the corner of Langstraat/Kerkstraat on 2 July between 11.00 and 11.30?

It is hardly known that cigarette filters contain plastic. With this campaign we make everyone in the Netherlands aware of the enormous amount of toxic plastic that ends up on our streets and waterways via cigarette butts. Smokers have a right to this information, so that they can make an informed choice. In this way, we change the social acceptance of throwing butts on the ground and create broad community support for effective policy-making

For more information, join the Facebook group Wassenaarse Bermbrigade or send a message to the Bermbrigade (06-51359334)



CigarettebuttCleanupPlasticPeukMeuk2022WassenaarWassenaarse Bermbrigade
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