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Comedy for expats by Greg Shapiro in theater Warenar

8 februari 20142 minute read

Wassenaar – De in Nederland wonende Amerikaanse cabaretier Greg Shapiro speelt op vrijdag 14 februari zijn voorstelling Superburger in Theater Warenar. Greg vertelt het verhaal over zijn verwondering over Nederland en haar inwoners in de Engelse taal. Kaarten zijn te koop via maar ook ‘s avonds aan de zaal. Het optreden begint om 20.15 uur.

Greg Shapiro – The American Netherlander – celebrates his 20 years in the Netherlands with a challenge to the Dutch: if you do not want so many immigrants – then stop being so awesome!

In Superburger, Shapiro takes on the issue of double nationality – or as he calls it ‘MND: Multiple Nationality Disorder.’ In his most personal show ever, Shapiro shares with the audience the embarrassing truth of being a loud American in the lovely small country of the Dutchmen. He is trying to prove his loyalty to his adopted homeland but at the same time Shapiro realizes he is still an American.

In addition to his own shows Greg Shapiro is also known from Comedy Central, Boom Chicago, BNR and VARA HumorTV.

‘Shapiro storms through the polder culture at 130km per hour. He lands his blows with precision, but while doing that you can still tell he is proud to be Dutch.’ – Het Parool

‘What is impressive is that he has lived in Europe long enough to be well-informed about the local politics.’ – De Volkskrant

‘Do not come to me when you need your passport renewed, kid.’ – Fred Teeven, Staatsecretaris Dutch Cabinet.

You can see Superburger by Greg Shapiro 14th February in Theater Warenar. The show starts at 8.15 pm. Tickets € 19; to be reserved at


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